Hotels and guesthouses
close to the park
100 m from the park
+420 777 616 947
Price from CZK 300 / person / night
1,5 km from the park
+420 735 752 733
Double room from CZK 1,200
2,5 km from the park
+420 773 535 901
Room price from CZK 600
Lysá nad Labem
6,2 km from the park
+420 777 336 767
Room price from CZK 1,400
Lysá nad Labem
7 km from the park
+420 724 033 339
Room price from CZK 1,400
Lysá nad Labem
7 km from the park
+420 727 336 767
Room price from CZK 450
7,2 km from the park
+420 604 278 423
Room price from CZK 350
Benátky nad Jizerou
8 km from the park
+420 731 160 589
Room price from CZK 1,290
Přerov nad Labem
12 km from the park
+420 602 443 030
Room price from CZK 700
Starý Vestec
12,5 km from the park
+420 773 771 781
Room price from CZK 1 000
16 km from the park
+420 606 614 590
Room price from CZK 1 450
Apartmány 29 Patřín
17 km from the park
+420 775 672 213
Room price from CZK 650 / person / night
17 km from the park
+420 777 314 612
Room price from CZK 950
17 km from the park
+420 325 511 045
Room price from CZK 950
18 km from the park
+420 325 513 325, +420 325 514 602
Room price from CZK 1,860
Brandýs nad Labem
18 km from the park
+420 739 072 949, +420 603 416 512
Room price from CZK 300
Hotel Toscca***
20 km from the park
+420 326 710 159
Room price from CZK 1,380 including breakfast
21,5 km from the park
+420 325 600 000
Superior room price from CZK 4,500
Mladá Boleslav
25 km from the park
+420 728 156 166
Room price COMFORT from 2 200 Kč
Mladá Boleslav
25 km from the park
+420 728 156 000
Room price from 2 000 Kč
25 km from the park
+420 601 103 652
Room price from 1 500 Kč
Nové Zámky
25,2 km from the park
+420 725 538 328
Room price from 1 800 Kč
Dorota Bubiková
32 km from the park
+420 776 218 950
Room price from 290 Kč
21,5 km od parku
+420 325 600 000
Cena Superior pokoje od 3 900 Kč
Campsites and stellplatz around Mirakulum Park
150 m from the park
+420 777 616 947
25,6 km from the park
+420 734 257 523
A.T.C Autokemp Golf
25,6 km from the park
+420 734 257 523
Are you ready to have fun?
Visit us with your family!
Mirakulum Park

We offer unrivalled comfort for families with children, including free parking, maintained picnic meadows, pleasant sitting areas, plenty of shade, clean toilets and a wide selection of quality refreshments throughout the park.
4,8 out of 5 / we regularly receive high ratings